Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pacman is playing football again

Jim Trotter of SI.com is reporting that Pacman Jones has agreed in principle to play for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of the CFL.

"It'll be a good experience for me to get back in game shape and compete and play football, which I like to do," Jones told SI.com. "I'm real happy for the opportunity that's been given to me. Of course it's disappointing to me to not be playing in the NFL. But things happen and you have to adjust. "

Pacman's talent on the field has never been questioned, but off the field he has been a complete trainwreck. He has the talent but as one GM told Trotter; "He's already got 2 1/2 strikes against him, so he's just not worth the time."

This does worry Blue Bombers GM John Murphy but he seems unconcerned about picking up Jones and believes the buzz picking up Jones is worth it for his team.

"If I was in the same position in the NFL I might have a lot more reservations," Murphy said. "But for me it's a win-win. I'm smart enough to know that if I'm looking for somebody who can be a playmaker for the second half of our season, there isn't a better football player who's not in the NFL, at 25 years old, who's ready to play football, is going to play with a chip on his shoulder, and is going to bring some fun and excitement to our team, our locker room, our city, and our league.
"And at the same time it's a business decision as well as football decision. From a marketing standpoint, a business standpoint and a football standpoint, I could go to 100 NFL training camps and every preseason game and more people will hear and know about the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the next two weeks -- from the coverage we'll receive -- than in the last 10 years."
I have faith in Pacman, if he can find trouble in Morgantown, WV and here in NashVegas I am sure he can find trouble in Winnipeg, it's only a matter of time.
Update: Charles Rogers is also joining the Blue Bombers, good times north of the border.


3rdStoneFromTheSun said...

guess the UFL is next lol

CowboyJoe said...

UFL is somehow low-class to Pacman.

Anonymous said...

don't believe everything you think, you read by Peter King as gospel......sure i blogged about this too, however-I named NO team, why because I had no solid proof......turns out, I was right......he's not playing for the CFL at all....have a great day you 2!


BTW 3rd if you stop here to read this, please don't email me again because to be honest, i have NO CLUE what the fk you were talkin about. thanks!