TvTiki has decided that young and blonde is better than Asian and 8-months pregnant. The New Post has reported, with particular glee, the split between the ex-Giants superstar and his 8-months-pregnant wife, Ginny. The new woman is right out of a Tiger Woods line-up; sexy, young and blonde. The new girlfriend is former NBC intern Traci Lynn Johnson.
Johnson was photographed sitting next to Tiki last month at a Washington, DC, screening of a documentary on Senegal that he hosted for the Travel Channel. Sources believe Johnson also accompanied Tiki to Senegal for the filming late last year, when Ginny was three months pregnant. The real-life TvTiki is the exact opposite of the nice-guy with the big smile he always portrayed in public. According to the Post;
"A source who knew Traci Johnson at Mount St. Mary College in upstate Newburgh said that Barber won her heart more than two years ago -- and that the former star running back isn't shy about lavishing her with gifts.
"On her 21st birthday, he sent her 21 dozen roses to her dorm. He also gave her a diamond and sapphire bracelet," the source said. "At this point, she had a boyfriend, and told him that she and Tiki were 'just friends,' but nobody bought it.
"He gave her and her friends [Giants] jerseys for them to dress up in on Halloween . . . He would shower her with designer handbags and expensive clothes."
The source said "he came to the school, and she introduced him to her friends.

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